Well, the election is over....thank the Lord. Barack Obama has won and was gracious and kind to the man he defeated. John McCain lost and was gracious and kind to the man who won. Good for them. Our country could use a whole lot more graciousness and kindness.
This campaign seemed to bring out the uglies in just about everyone. The "you're either for us or agin us" attitude could be found in every nook and cranny of every state.
Here's my own opinion on it...and humble it surely is. For a myriad of reasons I did not vote for President-Elect Obama. I have long been an admirer of Sen. John McCain....and I am a Republican (much to the great consternation of my children, who think their Mom is somewhat touched in the head). That's ok.
Even though the candidate I supported did not bring home the victory, I, unlike some of my Republican brethren, am not the least bit concerned. I believe Barack Obama is a good man, as is John McCain. I've no doubt Pres.-Elect Obama will do his very best for this country. He's a fresh young face, perhaps what our country needed.
I believe this beloved country of ours is far greater than the men who sit in the Oval Office. Americans have proven time and time again we are a strong and sturdy bunch. We've had lousy Presidents in our history....and in over 200 years since our fledgling government was established, no one man has succeeded in ending the sense of hope, pride and courage that rests between our borders and beyond.
So to President Elect Barack Obama and his family...you have my warmest congratulations. Godspeed to you as you start down this history making road. Senator John McCain...return to the Senate, and continue to fight the good fight. We are a country of fighters..and we need you now more than ever.
Everyone needs to take a big deep breath and bask in the glow of a job well done by all of us. We're Americans and we've earned it.